For the sixth year in a row, Law360 ranks Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu in the top 10 of their “2022 Glass Ceiling Report” for law firms with fewer than 100 attorneys. Fross is ranked #4 in the U.S. for representation of women at all attorney levels, and #8 on the list of “Ceiling Smashers” — the top 10 firms with the highest number of women in equity partnerships.
Currently at Fross, 50% of our equity partners and 76.5% of our associate attorneys are women.
Law360 states that these firms “are proving that meaningful moves towards gender parity are possible, and are taking steps to turn longstanding promises to improve opportunities for women into workplace realities.”
This recognition by Law360 is evidence of Fross Zelnick’s longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion. Diversity and openness are part of who we are, and has always been an important part of our firm culture. We believe that people from different backgrounds and experiences enrich us all and provide perspectives that enable us to better serve our clients.
Read more:
These Firms Have The Most Women In Equity Partnerships